In a momentous debut, Meta Dram is thrilled to announce the imminent arrival of our inaugural release, the Echelon Spitfire Edition, from our Landmark Series. This remarkable single malt whisky pays homage to the valor of the RAF and the indomitable engineering prowess that graced the skies during the Battle of Britain.

A Symphony of Flavors from Orkney’s Rugged Heart

Crafted on the untamed isles of Orkney, our 15-year-old Echelon Spitfire Edition is a testament to the wild beauty of the region. This wonderfully rich and complex elixir opens with an enchanting medley of aromas—crème brûlée, heather honey, and crumbled cinnamon—ushering you into an immersive experience. Intensely fruity notes follow, embodying the freshness of pineapple adorned with sun-kissed lemon zest. A subtle hint of warm, freshly baked sponge cake and toasted shards of cinnamon unfold, culminating in a dance of citrus and vanilla through aromatic waves of heathery peat smoke.

A Commemorative Release: Honoring the Spirit of the RAF and the 257 Spitfires

As we prepare to unveil our flagship release, we invite you to join us in a toast to the gallant men and women of the RAF and the 257 iconic Spitfires. The Echelon Spitfire Edition stands as a commemorative tribute, not just to iconic aircraft but to the unwavering dedication that made them guardians of our skies. It is a symbol of the enduring legacy of those who defended freedom and democracy during a pivotal chapter in history.

Mark Your Calendar: Meta Dram’s Inaugural Launch

Anticipation is building as Meta Dram prepares to introduce the Echelon Spitfire Edition to enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. This flagship release sets the stage for a new era of exquisite whiskies that capture the essence of heritage and distinct craftsmanship.

Stay tuned for the official launch date, and be among the first to embark on a journey through time and taste with Meta Dram’s Echelon Spitfire Edition. We invite you to witness the unveiling of a whisky that not only embodies the spirit of Orkney’s rugged landscapes but also pays homage to the heroes of the skies. This is more than a release; it’s a landmark moment in Meta Dram’s legacy.

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